Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Starting YOUNG

As many of you know I grew up in a house with vacuum lines always in the carpet. I swore that would never be me and I would never Vacuum. However, I am more like my clean freak mom than I think. The other night we took out the vacuum and put popcorn on the floor and i taught the boys how to clean it up. They thought it was funny to throw food on the ground and then watch it get sucked up into a magical vortex of vacuuming!


{ a m b e r } said...

That is hilarious! Just don't scare the boy's friends when they sleep on your couch! You know I love your Mom! We want to sign up for YMCA as soon as Keenan's school money comes which will be 2-3 weeks. It actually came at a good time because we are not doing LA fitness anymore and wanted something new. So we can be gym buddies as soon as we are no longer in the poor house!

Kris, Andrea, Lacey, Mia, and Kannon said...

Ash your blog looks great! you figured out the music... for the layout log on to yours and then click over to mine and on the top is an orange scroll to click on that you can choose a background. cute!

Luis and Katie De Leon said...

Hey, I sw your link on Amber's page. Cute pictures of the boys.