Thursday, July 17, 2008


Everyone is invited. The more the merrier and feel free to bring your friends too! Come to new moon at 5:30 for dinner and then to see Mama Mia at 8 at Valencia Edwards. Come for one or both- either way it will be fun and relaxing. Hope to see you all there MONDAY JULY 21st.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

2 cute

Today i took the boys to the mall to get professional pictures. They were terribly shy! I couldn't believe it. These were the only decent ones. Sorry they are small its not letting me make them bigger.

Friday, July 11, 2008

What we've been up to

We went to the Aquarium of the Pacific in Long Beach. The boys ran through the whole thing screaming FISH in about 5 minutes. Scott was a bird man there, the birds just flocked to him. We had the boys ELMO themed party, with homemade elmo face cupcakes and a pinata to top it off. The last pic Scott said I should title MILF. Which If you don't know what it means ( ask me)- its a huge compliment in a funny sort of way. I would have to agree I have pretty freaking HOT friends.

Saturday, July 5, 2008


It seems like yesterday my little monkeys entered our lives. Looking back I can't believe how small they were, how BIG they are now and how we survived it all! Here' s just a few pic's from then and the latest of the big bad brothers!